Welcome to our Document Repository
You can find important documents about the Club and the Breed here.
General Documents
This updated French Bulldog Bibliography was written by Michael Rosser in 2017 and is a chronological list of about 200 books and other publications. It’s a check-list which isn’t comprehensive but may help you to find writing of Frenchie interest or to know that a particular book or magazine exists.
We have two important documents to assist Judges when agreeing to preside over a show where Frenchies will be in the Ring.
The breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function with soundness essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be mindful of features which could be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed. The following documents are important when seeking to understand the breed standard.
Published by Lyndsay Kruse in 2021 as an eBook – please enjoy this pictorial journey of past and present Australian French Bulldogs and breeders. Copyright Lyndsay Kruse Publishing.
Here is a link to this and other eBooks by the Publisher – especially interesting for Australian French & British Bulldog enthusiasts British Bulldogs of Australia
This Lecture by leading French Bulldog specialist Vet Dr Karen Hedberg BVSc was conducted in 2020. It is a deep dive into the back and hips of French Bulldogs.
This document was created by Michelle Knight and provides some handy tips on keeping your Frenchie cool during summer and signs and symptoms of heat stress /stoke.
Club Documents
This is our Constitution and Governing Rules. Members must agree to comply with our Constitution when joining.
Forms are now created through the ORCHID database. Follow the instructions and the system will create a custom Word document which provides the Grading Form (with corresponding Vet Contact). You can then download the form and print it out to take to the nominated vet who can verify the Microchip number and perform the X-Ray for passing on to the DICOM Radiologist.
This Health Profile Form has been created to record the overall health of Frenchies in NSW. It can be downloaded and completed by you and your veterinarian. Data and information collected via our health profile form helps the Club monitor the health, longevity and other statistics about the breed. Forms are submitted to Dr Karen Hedberg who records and stores all data collected.
To Join the club you can download the “FBC Membership Application Form” or click here to join online.
Marked Catalogues and Critiques
The following documents are marked catalogues and Judge critiques from the previous 2 years.
The following archive of documents are marked catalogues and Judge critiques from Shows from over 2 years ago.
- 68th French Bulldog Club of NSW Show Marked Catalogue October 2020
- 67th French Bulldog Club of NSW Show Marked Catalogue Sept 2019
- 66th French Bulldog Club of NSW Show Marked Catalogue April 2019
- 65th French Bulldog Club of NSW Show Marked Catalogue Sept 2018
- 64th French Bulldog Club of NSW Show Marked Catalogue March 2018
- 63th French Bulldog Club of NSW Show Marked Catalogue Sept 2017